
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Karen Lives High

I decided to do a "His and Hers" blog with my husband. Hehe! Does it sound like he didn’t have a choice in the matter? But after all, our lives are very much intertwined and he is very much a part of me as I of him.

Our experiences are shared. We live together, we eat together, we travel together, and right this moment, we are writing for our blogs together. He has to live with my tossing-and-turning when I can’t sleep at night, or my going to bed a few hours before it’s time for him to get up because I had to finish my work or some new project or hobby that I got into. And he has to live with coming home from work to the smell of nail polish. Haha!

But seriously, in his blog, you will find him writing about our adventures, starting with our wedding day. He then goes on writing about our travels and his reflections and recollections of them, and I do my part in taking pictures and commenting on his posts (not that he needs any of my inputs). He's brilliant--just read at least one of his entries!

He has been a constant source of inspiration for me and he continuously motivates me and supports me in the things that I want to pursue, such as this blog. In our many adventures, we have experienced many firsts mutually and independently. And there are so many memories that we have made and now keep.

As my husband puts it:

I begin my blog, lest my memories get confused with dreams, dreams get buried by mundane trappings, and the good things in life be forgotten over time…

Live high, live mighty, live righteously. Take it easy. It's laughter we're making after all.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Marta!! As usual, appreciate your support and the tips you gave! Been more active in Instagram haha it's fun to design and publish pictures! It's just more tedious without having an actual camera phone that I can take pictures with. I'm just using an old iTouch and grabbing my pictures online. Haha! But I can't wait to get my hands on the new iPhone 5! I think I'm ready to do the switch!

  2. "He has been a constant source of inspiration for me and he continuously motivates me and supports me in the things that I want to pursue, such as this blog." Real sweet!!! :) Happy for you and your husband, Karen! Live high! :) Following your blog from now on!

    1. Wow MM! I didn't know you blog too!! I don't write a lot and it's been a challenge keeping up with blogging but I enjoy it from time to time... and especially excited to do it on my new MacBook Pro! :D :D Thank you so much for your support!! We should catch up soon! Just recently we were talking about you :) Hope you're doing well! And so happy to hear the good news! Congratulations!!
